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Guiding Principles and Ethical Framework of the ECPR Standing Group on Gender and Politics

Premable and Principles


The ECPR Standing Group on Gender and Politics is a diverse network that is dedicated to exploring the study of gender and sexuality within politics, policy and world affairs. The group is actively engaged in promoting the organisation of workshops, conference panels, and research groups, all of which emphasise the significance of gender and strive to enhance the visibility of gender and intersectional inequalities in the political sciences. 

The Standing Group on Gender and Politics has established this set of principles to promote its mission and warrant ethical behaviour among its members and participants in its biennial conference (ECPG) and related activities.


The mission of the Standing Group on Gender and Politics is to promote feminist and intersectional approaches to research, teaching, and public engagement in the field of political science. We aim to advance knowledge of the complex ways in which gender, race, and sexuality shape and interact with other inequalities and political institutions, processes, policies, and outcomes. 

The Standing Group on Gender and Politics aims to foster an open and inclusive environment that welcomes individuals from various backgrounds to participate on equal footing in meaningful discussions and exchanges on the intricate interplay between gender, intersectionality and politics. We promote inclusivity, the creation of spaces for under-represented and marginalised knowledge and communities, and the creation of an academic environment that makes space for diverse perspectives and fosters dialogue and exchange among different constituencies. 

For the purpose of this document, under-represented and marginalised groups or individuals are those identifying as part of a racial/ethnic, gender and sexual minority, early career researchers, precarious or disabled academics and individuals born, studying or working outside the Global North and Western Europe.

This document complements and is implemented alongside the ECPR Code of Conduct, applicable to all Standing Group activities. 


The primary objective of this document is to ‘advocate for inclusive, diverse, and ethical academic engagement’ and ensure that the European Conference on Politics and Gender (ECPG) is a welcoming and safe space for individuals regardless of their characteristics and background. The principles and values outlined in this document also apply to all the events and activities organised by the Standing Group on Gender and Politics.

This document recognises the existence of structural inequalities within academia and aims to create a transformative space for scholars outside the Global North and Western Europe and scholars from marginalised groups - i.e. sexual, racial/ethnic minorities, disabled individuals, early career researchers, those precariously employed, researchers from the Global South and non-Western countries - to engage as equals in the activities, conference and other events organised by the Standing Group on Gender and Politics and the wider political sciences.

We acknowledge that the inequalities and power hierarchies that are reproduced in academic and conference settings cannot all be addressed by this - or any - code of conduct, but this document lays out a set of core principles and values to disrupt the reproduction of inequalities in those spaces. 

This set of principles underscores the importance of respectful and professional interactions among the members of the Standing Group and participants in ECPG. It provides a framework for promoting diversity and inclusivity and ensuring that all members and participants have equal standing and value in academic spaces.

Participants are expected to uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct, and the Steering Committee is committed to holding participants accountable for their actions. 

The principles outlined in this document apply to all aspects of the conference, including the programme, selection processes, funding, presentations, and networking. 


The Standing Group on Gender and Politics believes that upholding the following principles is essential for transforming and advancing knowledge and promoting academic research and excellence.

  • Seeking more equitable power relationships among conference participants (diverse representation in leadership, inclusive-decision making, support for marginalised scholars, inclusive conference spaces, promoting intersectionality, engaging in dialogue and collaboration, addressing structural inequalities, and investment in diversity initiatives).
  • Mitigating the reproduction of inequalities (equitable funding opportunities, transparency in peer review and selection process, support for early career scholars and students, advocating for policy change, collaboration with external partners, engaging in critical dialogues on intersectionality, promoting structural change).
  • Cultural sensitivity (inclusive language and communication, respect for diverse cultural perspectives and practices such as religious observances, dietary habits and dress, learning, understanding and acceptance of cultural background of participants, accommodation of cultural differences, engagement with Indigenous and marginalised knowledge and perspectives, recognition of colonial legacies and intersectional identities).
  • Respect (gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, nationality, language, socioeconomic status, age, body size or religion).
  • Avoiding making assumptions about others based on personal characteristics or background (open mindedness in intellectual discourse, driven by curiosity, interest and respect, multiplicity of perspectives, critical thinking about power and representation, engagement with empathy and active listening, adherence and upholding of code of ethics, promoting diverse perspectives and methodologies within scholarship).
  • Decolonisation & anti-colonisation of knowledge (promotion of critical and decolonial research methodologies, promotion of Indigenous and marginalised scholars’ voices, centring panels with decolonial approaches, recognition of Indigenous knowledge and epistemes, engagement with global events threatening colonisation, promotion of inclusive publishing practices, monitoring and evaluation and educational and training initiatives for Scholars at Risk).
  • Avoiding causing harm (physical, emotional, sexual and bodily safety and sovereignty, ethical conduct and inclusivity, respectful conversation, consensual use of data, and respectful processes of inclusion at the conference venue).
I.    The organisation and programme of the conference (ECPG)

The Standing Group and local organisers of the ECPG will adhere to this set of principles in all aspects concerning the organisation of the conference, its programme, and the creation of sections and panels.

(a)    Conference programme 

The Steering Committee and conference organisers shall take sufficient measures to ensure a wider presence of marginalised groups and under-represented disciplines and topics. In particular, the Steering Committee shall aim to increase the presence of topics and scholars from regions outside the Global North and Western Europe and under-represented groups in the conference programme by: 

  1. Ensuring the presence in the programme of at least one section on gender & sexuality politics and one on race/anti-racism in the political sciences.
  2. Promote the inclusion in the programme of sections on topics concerning the Global South and other non-Western regions.3) Ensuring a balanced presence of scholars from under-represented groups among section chairs. 
  3. Prioritise diversity among the organising team for each section (geographical, race/ethnicity, career stage, sex, gender identity, etc.).
  4. Ensuring the presence of under-represented scholars among keynote speakers and participants in plenary events. 
  5. Limiting the number of conference roles that each participant can hold to promote wider participation in the conference.
  6. Creating ad hoc spaces for the decolonisation and anti-colonisation of knowledge.

The Steering Committee of the Standing Group on Politics and Gender shall actively use financial resources at its disposal to ensure those aims (see section on FUNDING).

(b)    Selection of panels and papers

The section chairs will select panels and papers submissions fairly and transparently based on their fit with the section call and scientific merit. They shall address potential biases and conflict of interests promptly. 

Section chairs shall be mindful of the dominance of research topics and scholars from, or affiliated to, institutions in the Global North. 

Section chairs shall limit the over-representation of few scholars or topics and actively promote the presence of under-represented scholars in the conference programme. 

Section chairs shall promote the creation of spaces to promote the visibility of historically subjugated forms of knowledge (e.g. Black and Indigenous knowledge, critical and decolonial approaches, queer theory, anti-ableist research) and the presence of historically under-represented groups, regions, topics and research areas. 

Section chairs shall allocate conference roles (e.g. panel chairs and discussants) transparently based on individuals’ knowledge and expertise. They will aim at increasing the visibility of under-represented groups. They should also be mindful not to create excessive burdens on individuals in positions of disadvantage. 

Throughout the selection process, section chairs shall not discriminate on the basis of gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, nationality, language, socioeconomic status, age, body size or religion including lack thereof.

II.    Funding

The ECPG conference organisers shall not aim to make a surplus. However, when the income exceeds costs, this shall be reinvested in activities and initiatives that advance the aims of the Standing Group on Gender and Politics, including supporting the participation of racial/ethnic and sexual minorities, early career researchers, precarious, disabled and under-represented academics in the conference.

The Steering Committee of the Standing Group on Gender and Politics and the conference organisers aim to keep registration fees reasonable and provide a reduced fee for students and early career researchers. 

The Steering Committee will seek to provide financial support (e.g. fee waivers, travel grants) to ensure the participation of academics born or located in the Global South and non-Western regions, racial/ethnic and sexual and gender minorities, disabled scholars, early career researchers and researchers in precarious employment conditions. 

The amount of financial support that will be made available shall not create a financial deficit on the conference budget considering the reasonable costs of organising the conference. 

The procedure for allocating financial support to participants should be kept simple and minimise the burden of proof on applicants.

Financial support to participants should be given preferentially to individuals who lack in full or part institutional funding to attend the conference belonging to one or more of the following groups: 

  1. scholars from under-represented groups, including gender, sexual, ethnic/racial minorities, precarious academics, disabled and early career researchers and their intersections. 
  2. scholars born or studying/working in an institution located in the Global South or outside of Western Europe.
  3. scholars or other individuals who contributed their free labour to successfully run conference events or activities (section chairs, roundtables, keynotes, etc.). 

These criteria hold regardless of the visa status of the applicant. 

The Steering Committee shall present up-to-date information on the Standing Group’s budget and the financial results of the previous ECPG conference during the annual meeting of the General Assembly of the Standing Group.

III.    Behaviours

All participants in the conference will have to agree to the ECPR Code of Conduct when they register for the ECPG. In addition to the set of rules and principles outlined there, the following additional guidelines are applicable to the ECPG:

(a)    Section chairs, panel chairs and discussants

The section and panel chairs shall foster open intellectual discourse and promote respect and active listening during panel and paper presentations and discussions. 

Section chairs, panel chairs and discussants must use inclusive language and communication and demonstrate respect for diverse cultural perspectives and practices such as religious observances, dietary habits and dress. They should accommodate differences in physical ability and cultural values, engage in critical thinking about power and representation, and promote subversive forms of knowledge (e.g. Indigenous, queer, anti-colonial, and disability perspectives).

Panel chairs and discussants must uphold a “do no harm policy” and take positive actions to avoid any physical, emotional or sexual harm to participants, and ensure that conversations among participants are carried out in an ethical, respectful and consensual manner.

(b)    Panel and paper presentations 

All conference participants shall engage in respectful dialogue and constructive exchanges about research without prejudice or presumptions based on gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, nationality, institutional affiliation, appearance, clothing, language, socioeconomic status, age, body size or religion including lack thereof.

Participants should seek active consent when photographing or filming presenters and presentations before posting photos or recordings online.

Participants should avoid interrupting and creating sustained disruption to panels, presentations and events, particularly if those include scholars from under-represented groups.

Participants should avoid using images in presentations of sexual, graphic, or offensive content if not strictly necessary for academic purposes. In those cases when such materials are used, content and trigger warning should also be included.

Presenters are encouraged to share their gender pronouns when introducing themselves. 

(c)    Networking and interactions

Every participant in ECPG is required to contribute to the creation of a safe, inclusive and respectful environment.

Conference participants are expected to demonstrate mutual respect and appreciation for individuals and their backgrounds, regardless of their personal characteristics such as their race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical appearance, nationality, accent or cultural traditions. 

The conference has a strict policy against any form of discrimination based on real or perceived personal characteristics such as gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, nationality, language, socioeconomic status, age, body size or religion. 

Participants must abstain from using sexist, misogynistic, transphobic, homophobic, ableist, classist, or racist language, expressions, or behaviours during any conference event.

Intimidation, harassment, abuse, character defamation, or disrespectful behaviour are not allowed in any of the conference settings. Examples of unacceptable behaviour include (but are not limited to):

  • Persistent and unwelcome solicitation of emotional or physical intimacy.
  • Persistent and unwelcome solicitation of emotional or physical practices accompanied by real or implied threats of professional or physical harm. The consistent and uninvited solicitation of emotional or physical practices accompanied by real or implied intimidation of professional or physical harm is regarded as a serious concern in a personal and academic setting.
  • Intimidating, harassing, abusive, personally derogatory or demeaning speech or actions. ECPG strictly prohibits any form of misconduct, whether verbal, non-verbal, or physical, that may constitute sexual harassment. This includes any written or electronic communication that may involve individuals of the same or different genders. 
  • Discrimination or prejudicial actions or comments related to actual or perceived gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, ability, socioeconomic status, age, nationality, language, body size or religion including lack thereof. All participants are expected to behave respectfully and professionally towards others.
  • Emotional abuse: Verbal abuse, gaslighting, manipulation, threat, enforced isolation, intimidation, and guilt-tripping. Misusing personal information. 
  • Deliberate intimidation or stalking. 
  • Physical or sexual assault (including unwelcome touching or groping).
  • Advocacy of or encouragement of any of the above behaviours.

Any instance of unacceptable behaviour will be dealt with in accordance with the complaint’s procedure described in this document.

As a positive action, we encourage conference participants to overcome unconscious biases and view the conference as an opportunity to exchange ideas between participants with different identities and power and across the Global North and the Global South.

V. Complaint procedure – ECPR Code of Conduct

The Standing Group on Gender and Politics emphasises the importance of treating all individuals with dignity and respect and encourages everyone to report instances of harassment to the appropriate channels described below.

The Steering Committee of the Standing Group on Gender and Politics will appoint a Duty Officer or First Point of Contact at every ECPG or other events of the Standing Group. This person will perform initial triage and handling of incidence(s), particularly complaints of discrimination, harassment or assault. Contact information of the Duty Officer will be provided before the event.

In the event that a participant or staff of the conference experiences a breach of the ECPR Code of Conduct, a complaint may be filed following the procedures highlighted in the ECPR Complaints Procedure. These include filling out the online form, which is available to all conference participants. The complainant may appoint an intermediary to file on their behalf. All complaints will be assumed to have been made in good faith, irrespective of whether they have been raised anonymously. Anonymous complaints will be considered and kept on file, but by their nature we may not be able to investigate them or provide an official response. ECPR will provide a response to the complainant and inform the Steering Committee of the Standing Group in Gender and Politics of its decision.

V. Complaint procedure – SGGP Guiding Principles and Ethical Framework  

In the event that a participant or staff of the conference experiences or observes a breach of the principles, values and rules specifically contained in this document that do not fall under the ECPR’s Code of Conduct, a complaint can be filed with the Chair or Chairs of the Steering Committee of the Standing Group in Gender and Politics. Upon receiving a complaint, the Chair or Chairs will appoint three members of the Steering Committee to promptly commence an investigation. The members should include senior and early-career academics as well as represent the diversity of the Standing Group. External members may be appointed by the Steering Committee to be part of this sub-committee. If a member of this sub-committee is a known affiliate (such as a co-author or member of the same department) of the complainant and/or the accused, they shall be excused, and an alternate procured.

The sub-committee shall gather information and statements from both parties (if possible) to investigate the complaint. Based on this information, it will decide whether to dismiss or uphold the complaint and what, if any, action will be taken. The sub-committee shall offer the complainant protection from retaliation and discrimination.

Both parties will be informed of the process and any findings and decisions at the end of it. If it is determined that no violation has occurred, the complaint shall be dismissed, with an explanation provided to the complainant. If the sub-committee determines that a violation has occurred, it can recommend to the ECPR Executive Committee a course of action, which may include a ban from SGGP activities. If appropriate, the committee can share the documentation of the case investigation with the complainant if they choose to pursue an official complaint via the courts. 

The ECPG strongly encourages attendees to report any breach of ECPR’s Code of Conduct and the SGGP’s Guiding Principles (whistleblowing) through the above-mentioned channels, provided there are reasonable grounds to support the allegations. Such reports will assist the Committee in enhancing its inclusion measures for future events.  

The Steering Committee shall report on the number of complaints received and outcomes at the annual meeting of the General Assembly of the Standing Group.

* All investigation processes shall be kept confidential.
**This document is the outcome of the joint collaboration of the following members of the Standing Group in Gender and Politics: Dr Ola Abdelaal, Dr Wa'ed Alshoubaki, Dr Inshah Mehraj Malik, Dr Larissa Peixoto Vale Gomes, Dr Fernando Tormos-Aponte, Dr Ashlee Christoffersen and Dr Rossella Ciccia.